Embracing the Power of Incremental Progress and Risk Balance: Small Bets and the Barbell Strategy

In the world of entrepreneurship and personal growth, we are often entertained with tales of monumental success, the kind of stories that paint a picture of instant victories and overnight sensations. Yet, for every story of triumph, there are countless untold narratives of ventures that didn’t quite make the cut, victims of what we call survivorship bias. It’s easy to become enchanted by the allure of a grand slam, but what if the secret to enduring success lies in the modesty of small bets and the prudence of the barbell strategy?

The Philosophy of Small Bets

Small bets are the antithesis of the go-big-or-go-home mentality. They’re about starting with what you have, where you are, and taking incremental steps towards your goal. Imagine the entrepreneurial journey as a series of experiments, each one designed to test a hypothesis: Will this product sell? Does my service resonate with my target audience? Can I turn this passion into profit?

The concept is disarmingly simple—start small. Don’t wait for the perfect logo, the ideal website, or the ultimate product. Sell something—anything—for $10. Then aim for $100, followed by $1,000. This iterative process is about building momentum and validating your ideas in the real world, with real customers, and real money changing hands.

The Misconception of the All-In Gamble

Many would-be entrepreneurs fall prey to the misconception that starting a new venture requires a dramatic exit from their current job, a leap of faith into the unknown. But this isn’t a Hollywood movie—it’s your life, and it’s okay to approach it with a blend of caution and ambition. You can, and perhaps should, start executing your ideas while maintaining the stability of your full-time job. As you gain traction and start seeing financial results, you’ll be in a much better position to decide whether it’s time to dive in fully or pivot in a new direction.

The Wisdom of the Barbell Strategy

Enter the barbell strategy, a concept popularized by thinker Nassim Nicholas Taleb. It’s a split approach to risk management that involves playing it safe on one end while embracing risk on the other. Imagine allocating 90% of your net worth to conservative, low-risk investments, while the remaining 10% is dedicated to high-risk, high-return endeavors. This method ensures that if the riskier bets fail, you only lose a small portion of your resources, protecting you from catastrophic loss while still allowing for significant upside.

The Entrepreneurial Takeaway

The barbell strategy is particularly compelling for entrepreneurs. By securing a financial safety net, you can freely explore innovative ideas without the fear of complete ruin. It’s about striking a balance between the necessity for financial security and the desire to pursue your entrepreneurial dreams.

Conclusion: The Art of Starting Small and Balancing Risk

The journey to success is rarely a straight line; it’s a winding path filled with small victories and learning experiences. By embracing the power of small bets, you give yourself the room to grow organically, to learn from your customers, and to iterate your way to success. And when combined with the barbell strategy, you create a safety net that allows for calculated risks, ensuring that even if some ventures don’t pan out, you’re never out of the game.

Remember, the aim isn’t to avoid failure but to minimize its impact and learn from it. Whether you’re an aspiring entrepreneur or a seasoned business owner, consider the power of starting small and the wisdom of balancing your risks. This approach might not be as glamorous as the all-in gambles we often hear about, but it’s a sustainable path to growth and success. After all, the mightiest oaks grow from tiny acorns, and with patience and the right strategy, your small bets could lead to your greatest achievements.

Lessons from Japan: Embracing Quality Over Quantity in Business and Life

Living in the dynamic city of Dubai, my wife and I are surrounded by a world of opportunities and experiences. Dubai is a melting pot of cultures, innovation, and luxury, offering an endless array of activities and sights. Yet, with the uncertain nature of our stay here, we’ve made it our mission to explore destinations that might be a little more challenging to reach from our home country, Mexico.

Our latest adventure took us to the Land of the Rising Sun—Japan. This trip was not just another stamp in our passports; it was a profound journey that changed our perspective on culture, respect, and business.

Japan is often praised for its unique culture and traditions, and rightfully so. But it’s one thing to hear about it and another to experience it. During our visit, I was struck by the palpable difference in social conduct:

  1. The Culture of Respect: The Japanese way of life is steeped in respect. From the way people greet each other to the meticulous care with which they handle public spaces, there’s a sense of collective responsibility that is both admirable and contagious.
  2. Adherence to Rules: Japan is a society that functions on the principle of order. Rules are not seen as constraints but as a means to ensure harmony and efficiency. This level of discipline is evident in every aspect of daily life, from the punctuality of the trains to the orderly queues at bus stops.

From a business standpoint, my observations were even more enlightening. In the West, we often equate success with size and scale. The bigger the business, the larger the menu, the more extensive the services, the better—so the thinking goes. But in Japan, I encountered a different philosophy.

I remember walking into a modest eatery in Tokyo, no larger than a studio apartment, with just enough room for ten customers. This place wasn’t known for a vast selection of dishes; instead, it specialized in making the fluffiest, most delectable pancakes I’ve ever tasted. The focus was on quality, not quantity. Despite its small size, the restaurant had a reputation that brought people flocking, willing to wait in line for the chance to savor their singular offering.

This experience was a revelation. It challenged the notion that to succeed, one must expand and diversify. The Japanese approach teaches us that there is virtue in specializing, in perfecting a craft, and in finding contentment in doing one thing exceptionally well.

The lesson here extends beyond the culinary world. It’s about the craftsmanship and pride in one’s work. It’s about creating something of value that people are willing to seek out and wait for. This philosophy can be applied to various aspects of life and business. Whether you’re an artist, a writer, a software developer, or a business owner, the Japanese emphasis on quality over quantity can be a guiding principle.

In a world that often celebrates the big and the busy, there’s something deeply refreshing about Japan’s celebration of the small and the excellent. It’s a reminder that sometimes, less really is more. That sometimes, by choosing to focus on what we can do best, we can achieve a level of success and satisfaction that is lost in the race to do it all.

As we continue our travels and return to our lives in Dubai, we carry with us the lessons from Japan. We’ve learned that in business, as in life, it’s not about how much we can do, but how well we can do it. We’ve learned the power of focus, the dignity of discipline, and the grace of respect—values that we’ll strive to incorporate into our daily lives and work.

Japan has left an indelible mark on us, not just through its sights and sounds, but through the profound insights it has offered into a different way of thinking and being. And while our time in Dubai is finite, the lessons we’ve learned from Japan are timeless, guiding us no matter where our journey takes us next.

P.S. Here’s an amazing photo of those fluffy pancakes I mentioned.

Discovering Wellness in the Desert with Nike

Last week, I had the extraordinary chance to immerse myself in a festival that was nothing short of spectacular, right in the heart of Dubai’s mesmerizing desert. It’s not every day that a brand can truly bring a concept to life, but Nike did just that, creating an oasis of wellness that catered to both the body and mind.

🧘‍♂️🏋️‍♀️ The festival’s diverse itinerary included everything from serene meditation sessions that calmed the soul to high-energy HIIT workouts that set our pulses racing. And for those seeking a touch of creativity, clay molding classes offered a perfect balance to the physical activities.

The setting was a marvel in itself—a vast circle embraced by towering screens on one side and the expansive desert panorama on the other. It was a view that reminded us of the limitless potential within us all.

🎁 The welcome kit was a thoughtful compilation tailored to enhance our experience: a sleek Nike tee, a handy towel, a durable thermos, and food coupons that kept our nutrition on point—all in the spirit of holistic health.

But it wasn’t just about the physical. The festival also provided a sanctuary for the mind, with experts leading enlightening discussions on breathing techniques and sports performance—knowledge that extended well beyond the event itself.

👟 And let’s talk innovation: In the women’s locker room, Nike showcased a variety of shoes ready to be tested in action. This brilliant touch allowed us to not just see but experience the intersection of comfort, style, and performance.

Nike’s commitment to understanding consumer well-being was evident in every detail of this festival. It’s clear they’re not just a brand; they’re a beacon for the lifestyle we all aspire to lead.

Coach’s Ingenious Activation at Mall of the Emirates: Personalization Meets Luxury

Nestled in the heart of Dubai, the Mall of the Emirates stands as one of the city’s grandest shopping havens, boasting an incredible year-round sky track that entices visitors from around the globe. It’s a place where brands seize the opportunity to shine, and during my latest visit, I witnessed a prime example of this.

I found myself drawn to a massive, eye-catching activation by Coach, celebrating the launch of their new Tabby collection. It was impossible to miss—the centerpiece was a gigantic inflatable designed to mirror the Tabby bag’s chic contours. The thoughtfulness behind the activation was palpable, offering patrons the chance to personalize their Tabby bag on the spot, making the experience both interactive and exclusive.

But the appeal didn’t stop there. Coach infused a taste of luxury into the experience by including a branded café setup, complete with coffee and delightful cookies shaped like the Tabby bag. It was a simple yet sophisticated touch that catered to all the senses.

In an era where capturing consumer attention is a formidable challenge, Coach’s approach was a masterclass in engagement. They didn’t just stop customers in their tracks—they provided a memorable encounter that resonated with the essence of the brand.

The Mall of the Emirates continues to be a stage where brands can dazzle and delight. Coach’s recent activation is a testament to the power of innovative marketing and the enduring allure of a well-crafted brand experience.


I’m originally from Mexico but currently live in Dubai. After spending several years in FMCG companies, I realized that what I value most is freedom. Right now, I’m working on side projects, including writing my first book. I am also currently working as a consultant specializing in marketing strategies and consumer understanding.


This is my space where I share what I’ve learned, experienced, and found interesting.

You will find topics about marketing, lifestyle, fitness, self-discovery, trips, and random stuff that I learn along the way, as well as a collection of my projects and experiences.